Saturday, February 18, 2006


The Last of the Surgery Updates

This is the end of week Nine and the last of my updates. Every thing is moving along just fine. We are still getting better. I do have a swelling of the left leg again and some pain around the last of the incession healing. The left arm is sore around the thumb joint from gripping. When I pick up a drinking glass or cup, this causes me some pain. Still got a ways to go.
My right arm is about the same. It is still asleep.

We are having our artic cold front move through. Its 25 and falling with freezing rain and/or sleet. The ground is too warm to freeze but the bridges and overpasses are not. I'm setting in the booth dinnette watching the glass get wetter with moisture. If this keeps up, it will be a nasty day in the roads. We had a class A pull out this am. Good luck to them.

We called the RV Doctor to fix our water leak. We had some low teens in early December, 2005 and froze our pipes. After the guy got them all off, we have a broken low point cold water valve and another pipe break. All this is hard piping, glued. He is replaceing this with all screwed fittings for easier repair in the future. With our current weather, we have only city water as the tank has unattached plumbing. Shirley and I have wrapped the water post and hose with paper, a bucket and a tarp to keep the line from freezing. So far so good. We have water inside if we do lose our water source. This weather will be here till monday. Its still misting and 25 per the weather bug.

We use two 1500 watt heaters here at the COE. Since we have electricity included in the daily price, we run them both. We have one running off the coach circuit and the other off the park post. With this weather, we have a third running in the water bay from the post. The post is 30 amp for the RV and 20 amp for other uses. We are dressed in sweat paints, and layered shirts. Its a cozy 75 inside. We have both slides out and have covered the door to cut down on the air intrusion. But we leak and thats a fact we live with. Life is still good.

We heard yesterday that our ex neighbors have split. Really sorry to hear this. We thought they were in it for the long haul after being married nearly 20 years. And my neice is going to have double knee replacement surgery on the 27th. For the family with the right area code, call the house and leave a message at 642-6252. She would be glad to hear from you.

With us just sitting here waiting on the Dr appointment in Dallas, there is not alot to talk about. Its the same brown grass from lack of rain and the lake is about 14 feet below normal. Our area is in a constant burn ban. Hence no outside fires at all. BBQ is out of the question along with burgers on the barby. When there is news, I will post it. Till then, see ya next week.

Drive safe and stay warm!

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