Friday, March 31, 2006


We are moving tomorrow and Monday

We have to move to Mustang Park which is across the lake for two days. We will move again Monday morning to get our coach fiberglass repaired. This will take about 10 days. The Monday move will put us out of internet access till we are repaired. We will be able to use the library for email but no daily internet. I dont know if there is a safe place to put up the dish. We will have cell service as we will be in the south Fort Worth area.

With all that said, we will have a nice looking home again and not one with cracks and missing paint. Yea! And now for the good news. We met the Dr today and we are released to travel. We will have an additional pill to take. Our next Dr appointment will be with our primary in Fort Worth. I'm ready to go and also to play golf. Soon, very soon.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


This is mine to pay for

This came with the coach. Yes, we bought the coach used and it had a cracked fiberglass front bumper. So far the estimate is $1200. Still awaiting a second opinion.

I didn't tell ya but we finally have a Dr appointment friday. Got the call monday. But we will be here till the body work is finished. And since our bank has been sold, we must await the new paper work. Soon we will be gone west.

Got another price. For the front and the RR, $2167.63. Since I will pay for the front, and will claim the RR on insurance, I didn't ask for a price for the front only.

The other bidder put $3693.52 on the RR only. The problem now is the low bidder will not let us stay on the lot at night and live in the RV during the day. The low bidder is a valid repair facility. We will have to get a third bid now. The high bidder wants 10 working days while the low bidder is saying 5-7 days. All the prices are including our deductable.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


We have to repair the RV before we go.

And here we have the right rear where the Flying J in Memphis, TN is a no gas or propane stop. This was the last time we stopped for gas at a Flying J. To crowded and to tight for the RV. Only have one estimate for this and its $3693.56 with deductable. To me, this is less damage than the left side. My gut says this is over prices. Will have a second estimate soon and then its time for the claimes adjuster to price it.
This is what happens when I failed to see the tree as I was backing in to our space. I have backed into this space about 20 times and nothing happened. This one time, bang, the tree moved. Got the insurance estimate and it comes to $2039.52 after my deductable. I bet its not enough.
This is another view of the left rear and it shows more of the damage. If only....

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