Friday, January 06, 2006


The results from the Friday hospital trip

We're back. It took 3 hours to get our new meds but we got them. My total med intake is 9 pills and an inhaler. We came home with

gatifloxacin 400 mg for resporatory infection,
potassiumchloride 8 mg for supplementation,
furosemide 40mg for fluid retention.,
albuterol 90/ipratrop 18mg 200d po inhl, combivent inhaler.

All these are short term for fluid retention in my lungs and left leg. All this means is I will pee alot. The rest of me is doing fine. all me incessions are non-infectious and healing nicely. If only I could breath!

Without the ability to get a good breath, my walking and breathing exercises are suffering. Hopefully the fluid on my lung will disappear and I can exercise more again. When ever I can, I must get my feet above my chest and help fluid in my leg to drain. My leg is really large. To large to wear any shoes.

We will be back in 2 weeks for my next appointment and see if the fluid is gone. Hopefull it will be as the next option is a stay in the hospital for a fluid change.

Hope you guys in "Q" have a good time and we do wish we were there. Drive carefully and be safe.


Update on my recovery

I had the operation on the 16th of last month and I got out of the hospital on the 23rd. I am doing better with more good 50% than bad 50%. I have just about stopped taking the pain medication and now I got pains. I feel every little push and pull that my body went through on the table.

These young doctors need to  practice a form of "less physical movement" on there patients as we have to recover from that too. My right side past my arm and more toward the back hurts from being manipulated. My right arm from the elbow to the tip of my fingers is still the same as it was over a week ago. My left leg is still swollen and tender around the incision's. But it has stopped oozing. That is a good thing. Remember, I'm cut from my ankle to my groin on the left leg.

My chest is doing really good. I have two of the three chest tube holes still ozzing but just slightly. We have them covered with a bandage. The rest of me is sore from the operating table. My whole chest area is sore and some places it's a bit more than that. Sleeping on my right side is difficult. Sleeping on my left side is difficult. Sleeping on my back is impossible as is my sleeping on my tummy. I wont go into how bad I feel to turn over.

Shirley won't sleep in the same room as I moan all night. I told her to try sleeping in my body. But we are better than a day or two ago. I go outside and walk around now. The sun feels real good on the body. I am doing more of my breathing excesses and that is helping my short breathlessness that I still experience. My lungs are clear and what cough I do have is my sinus drip. I am slowly taking a decongestant and nose spray to get this under control.

That is the latest from here. We do have a Dr follow up Friday am when we will be released from the surgerical team. This will put me back in the Fort Worth office. I will ask about my aches and pains before we are released but I don't see any problems with Friday. And we have another 14 day extension. One more and I should be able to travel, but not to far or to fast.

My neighbor Earl asked about me since I had not been updating the blog. His comment was no news meant good news. I guess I better get this update posted so you readers and family can rest easier.

Take care out there and drive safely.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Tomorrow is the Friday appointment at 9 am. Early for us as we have to drive an hour plus depending on traffic. More after we get back.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Update on my recovery

I had the operation on the 16th of last month and I got out of the hospital on the 23rd. I am doing better with more good 50% than bad 50%. I have just about stopped taking the pain medication and now I got pains. I feel every little push and pull that my body went through on the table.

These young doctors need to ppractice a form of "less physical movement" on there patients as we have to recover from that too. My right side past my arm and more toward the back hurts from being manulapted. My right arm from the elbow to the tip of my fingers is still the same as it was over a week ago. My left leg is still swollen and tender around the incesion's. But it has stopped ozzing. That is a good thing. Remember, I'm cut from my ankle to my groin on the left leg.

My chest is doing really good. I have two of the three chest tube holes still ozzing but just slightly. We have them covered with a bandage. The rest of me is sore from the operating table. My whole chest area is sore and some places it's a bit more than that. Sleeping on my right side is difficult. Sleeping on my left side is difficult. Sleeping on my back is impossible as is my sleeping on my tummy. I wont go into how bad I feel to turn over.

Shirley won't sleep in the same room as I moan all night. I told her to try sleeping in my body. But we are better than a day or two ago. I go outside and walk around now. The sun feels real good on the body. I am doing more of my breathing excersises and that is helping my short breathlessness that I still experience. My lungs are clear and what cough I do have is my sinus drip. I am slowly taking a decongestant and nose spray to get this under control.

That is the latest from here. We do have a Dr follow up Friday am when we will be released from the surgerical team. This will put me back in the Fort Worth office. I will ask about my aches and pains before we are released but I don't see any problems with friday. And we have another 14 day extension. One more and I should be able to travel, but not to far or to fast.

My neighbor Earl asked about me since I had not been updating the blogg. His comment was no news meant good news. I guess I better get this update posted so you readers and family can rest easier.

Take care out there and drive safely.

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