Friday, August 25, 2006



Look at that thunderhead in the distance. My best guess is its west of Santa Fe. That would be about 30 miles northwest of us. We had one like it yesterday while at the golf course that went to our west. we got just a little rain.

Lots of rain shafts from the clouds. So far not one clap of thunder can be heard. Its that far away.

But it is nice to have as we are getting the cool, cool downdraft winds.

And thats our water conn that you see and a 50 foot hose. The COE here has the water set away back form the parking spot. Dumbest thing I ever saw.

At least till we show you the other location. I will put it on its own blog its so bad. The COE should be embarassed.
Oh, I forget, its GOVERNMENT, they never do stupid things. Its called "budget cuts".

Ignore the messy table, my computer work station. I thought I'd post a pic of our lived in rv. The bedroom is in the back where the tv is on. This side of the door way and on the right os the washer/dryer cabinet and above that is the stoarge of big items like pots and pans. Behind the mirrored dooe is our overflow pantry and other "stuff".

We are slowely getting rid of the items in the pull out drawers below the dinning seating.

Two of the critters from our last time here. There doesn't seem to be as many rabbits this time.

I played golf here Thursday. Played terrible. My altitude breathing interferes with my golf . Plus now I have an allergy to something here that makes my eyes water and itch.

We will be moving Monday to the other side for a week and then back here. The temperature at home is too hot to go there yet. Its suppose to be 103 today. there. Here its to be 85.

Temp: 57 this morning with pc skies and as always a chance of rain.
Heat of the day and its 80 at 3:30 pm.

As always, look for the pic link for the rest of the pics not shown.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The Movie Set

We turned off I25 onto NM16 to get to Cochiti Lake. When we made the exit and stopped at the intersection, there were a dozen or so trailers along side the NM road. We went maybe 1/2 mile and had to stop for the flagman. He came to each vehicle and said that there was a movie car going up and down the road and it would be about 10 minutes. Now does that make any sense at all? Didn't at the time.

We were finally cleared to go and we drove about 5 miles to this along the side of the road. We were traveling about 50 when we were slowed down to 20 or so be one of the crew man. This is what we saw as we crawled along. Zoom each pic and see up close the "movie car" or something like it.

The car itself is on the trailer and the film and sound crew are on the back of the front vehicle. DW was unable to get a pic inside of the car as we went by to quickly. And there was a sheriff deputy there to make sure we were moving along. All I got to see was a white hardtop with those four bodies inside.

Who was in the car? Beats us! They were a bunch of young actors. Two in front and two in back, 2 guys and 2 gals as I recall.

As DW said later, it must be one of those "B" movies as we were unable to recognize anybody.

It looked like a "Beach Blanket Bingo" except it was filmed in the desert. So call it a "Desert Blanket Bingo" film


Tuesday and the Drive In

About 5 miles south from Abiquiu Lake is the last of the mountains and the cliff roads. This is thru the "red rock" area which is also south of the dam.

If you will go back and look at the river pics when we were last here, that is the river below the road.

You can see the pull off in this pic.

Pics dont do justice to the downgrade here. I suspect its 7% of more. It is short but it is steep. The danger is the 60 mph entering the downgrade to two 35 mph curves. The state DOT marked the curves as 35 going up but not down.

The view from here is specticular. There is a narrow valley below and you are coming from a brown, sage desert floor to a valley with a river, farming and green fields. Quite different

Passing thru Espanola, NM is a super walmart. The last one till you get to Farmington, NM or Durango, CO. Make this a stop on your way.

Would you guess a name for this? There is a casino across the highway with the name. There is some dirt parking for trucks and RV's. The buffet was ok here but better than the others we ate at.

DW took this of one of the many overpasses. NM does a much better job of decoration than Texas and most of the other states we have been in.

Along the way, the retaining walls are also so decorated. Breaks the driving bordom.

Do watch out for the bridges in this area. The contractor put the pavement down with some rough "bumps" entering and leaving. Will shake you and the RV up.

Today is laundry day. There is a very nice and cheap laundry here. DW has saved our chore for here so she can get the lower price and do the comforter too. She has washed our throw rugs here. The laundry is new and hence the machines are too.

Later today will be the "movie stars" and the "movie car" posting.

And we have cell service here.

There is more pics in our link to see.

Temp: 57 with pc skies. Forecast is 78 with scattered showers. Should be a nice day.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Monday at Cochiti Lake COE

Here we are in our space 30 at Cochita Lake near Santa Fe, NM. Both of the dishes are setup and we are cozy.

We had an interesting drive in and will post some pics and tell you about the "movie stars" we saw on the way. No kidding!

Temp: 75 with pc and then rain down ABQ way.
Elevation: 5566 feet
Mileage: 93

Sunday, August 20, 2006



Good morning everybody!. It was a cool 56 at 6:45 am. We have cloudy skies and a forecast of 75 today. I do believe its the monsoon season. We are going south tomorrow and will be posting from Cochiti Lake. We will be staying at the west campground for a week to use the laundry at the village.

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