Friday, August 25, 2006



Look at that thunderhead in the distance. My best guess is its west of Santa Fe. That would be about 30 miles northwest of us. We had one like it yesterday while at the golf course that went to our west. we got just a little rain.

Lots of rain shafts from the clouds. So far not one clap of thunder can be heard. Its that far away.

But it is nice to have as we are getting the cool, cool downdraft winds.

And thats our water conn that you see and a 50 foot hose. The COE here has the water set away back form the parking spot. Dumbest thing I ever saw.

At least till we show you the other location. I will put it on its own blog its so bad. The COE should be embarassed.
Oh, I forget, its GOVERNMENT, they never do stupid things. Its called "budget cuts".

Ignore the messy table, my computer work station. I thought I'd post a pic of our lived in rv. The bedroom is in the back where the tv is on. This side of the door way and on the right os the washer/dryer cabinet and above that is the stoarge of big items like pots and pans. Behind the mirrored dooe is our overflow pantry and other "stuff".

We are slowely getting rid of the items in the pull out drawers below the dinning seating.

Two of the critters from our last time here. There doesn't seem to be as many rabbits this time.

I played golf here Thursday. Played terrible. My altitude breathing interferes with my golf . Plus now I have an allergy to something here that makes my eyes water and itch.

We will be moving Monday to the other side for a week and then back here. The temperature at home is too hot to go there yet. Its suppose to be 103 today. there. Here its to be 85.

Temp: 57 this morning with pc skies and as always a chance of rain.
Heat of the day and its 80 at 3:30 pm.

As always, look for the pic link for the rest of the pics not shown.

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