Friday, February 24, 2006


We are still in Limbo

Don't have any news about our Dr appointment in Dallas. We did call over there yesterday and see if the computer file for me shows a referal for the appointment, yep it does. The lady I was talking to was going to get with a Dr and the staff coordinator about this. It has taken longer than it should and I wanted to shake a chain to see if I got missed. We are still awaiting a return call.

Our current thinking for travel is as follows-

1. get to Garland on a weekend and see my grandkids, sons family, before we head south,
2. we will go to Potters Creek for a week and see my other grandkids, daughters family,
3. head south and see what is available for next winter and what the job prospects are. We are planning on this taking a month,
4. heading toward Lovington, NM to see my dad and brothers family. More on my dad later.

We will probably stay in the Texas, NM and OK area as our cash is getting low and we need to find work to rebuild our bank account. This first year was expensive. We didn't plan on it being our budget, $1200, and another $900 per month more.

My dad is in a assisted living center for those with failing memories. His physical condition is very good. But he has dementia and is in the middle of the stages. He is unable to properly care for himself anymore. Where he is now, they see that he daily bathes, shaves, wears clean clothes and has others around him to be with. He is not allowed to leave his portion of the center for his own safety. If I live that long, I will probably be in his shoes too.

Our daily activities consist of watching others arrive and find a place to park. There are 105 places to park here and there is two other camping areas to open soon. The park layout is a bit confusing as to its layout and NO DIRCTIONS AS TO WHERE TO GO. There are no signs as to where the spaces are by number. This is the first Texas COE park for us and we wonder if the others are like this.

We are getting rain finally, kinda. Its mostly light showers. What this area needs is a week of 2 inch rain per day. This would make a dent in the severe drought for North Texas. The lake is something like 14 feet below normal and no end in sight unless it rains. We need rain.

The RV Doctor is suppose to be here this afternoon to finish our water lines that froze last December. We are on city water only. The line he has is our low point drain valves and tank fill valve. Once this is installed, we will have "screwed" fittings vs glued and easier to repair. So far we have paid $117.00 and have about the same to go. Included is a $50 fee to make the house call and give us an estimate. He is also getting prices for replaceing our two leaking jacks. From pricing I have from United RV in town, the jacks are about $517 each plus 1.5 hours labor. We will see what his price is. His labor rate is $82 per hour. Once our water leak is fixed, the coach goes back to the Ford house for a look at the noise on the left rear wheels. While there its inspection time for new tags. Then we are ready to roll.

There is a couple of do-it ourself items we will put off till my arms and chest are better healed. One of these is to see if the jacks are rebuildable. I got the tools, don't have the physical strength yet. The other is new slides for our pantry. I'm sure there will be more but it has to brake first. Till then its two and counting. 2006 will be year five on the tires so come winter 2006-7, we will price and buy new tires. Still cheaper than having a real house with payment, utilities, yard and upkeep. And look at the yards we get to see!

Stay with us as it will be getting better soon. We just about can't wait much more.

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