Friday, March 03, 2006


What Would You Like To Hear

Did we get to Dallas? Nope. When will we be going to Dallas? When we get an appointment. IE, no news to date.

We are sitting here this friday looking at a nearly full camp. Seems some week end campers have arrived and some of the Texas Boomers have to. Atleast we saw a Texas Boomers sign. And there are a few fulltimers here.

We have gotten some rain in the last week and we had rain last night and its raining now. We are in need of rain. We need a good week long rain to end this dry drought and get the runoff necessary for the lakes. As of today, Benbrook Lake is at 684.41 with normal pool at 694.0. And you can tell its up about 4 feet. Go here for lake levels in the COE lake system.

Not much left to tell, basically its the same ol stuff. We do have our water leak fixed, $438.00 worth. Got the car front end aligned, $45 for that. Next is to get the RV back to the ford house and see what the rotating clank is. Dont have any idea as to what it might be. I can't work on it and since I don't have a way to jack it up, remove two wheels, I will pay to have it fixed. Some where in the near future we will replace the pantry slides as one of the has worn out. The lock can't engage till the pantry slide is back in its "slide" position.

Its a cool 66 and we have light showers. not heavy enough to really wet the dirt. Oh yes, travel plans. Unknown right now. We will have to work though and that will be our destination.

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