Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The Movie Set

We turned off I25 onto NM16 to get to Cochiti Lake. When we made the exit and stopped at the intersection, there were a dozen or so trailers along side the NM road. We went maybe 1/2 mile and had to stop for the flagman. He came to each vehicle and said that there was a movie car going up and down the road and it would be about 10 minutes. Now does that make any sense at all? Didn't at the time.

We were finally cleared to go and we drove about 5 miles to this along the side of the road. We were traveling about 50 when we were slowed down to 20 or so be one of the crew man. This is what we saw as we crawled along. Zoom each pic and see up close the "movie car" or something like it.

The car itself is on the trailer and the film and sound crew are on the back of the front vehicle. DW was unable to get a pic inside of the car as we went by to quickly. And there was a sheriff deputy there to make sure we were moving along. All I got to see was a white hardtop with those four bodies inside.

Who was in the car? Beats us! They were a bunch of young actors. Two in front and two in back, 2 guys and 2 gals as I recall.

As DW said later, it must be one of those "B" movies as we were unable to recognize anybody.

It looked like a "Beach Blanket Bingo" except it was filmed in the desert. So call it a "Desert Blanket Bingo" film

Ok,OK,OK...so I am a courious Nelly...but you know what they say about curiousity...It killed the CAT but Satysfaction brought him back!!!

Maybe you will find out what movie they are filming out there and then we can find our who is staring in it...I am sure that it isn't Annete Funicello and whoever she played in that movie with ... my "C R S" is giving me a fit tonight, and I can't remember his nameLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!

Think we should have "TAD" by next Wednesday or Thursday!!! Can you believe it???
try Frankie Avalone.
You're right it was good ole' Frankie...I could see his face but not his name!!!
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