Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Week Four Recovery Update

Lets call it week four, after surgery, even though it will not be till this friday. Week one was spent in the hospital, week two through four was spent here in the RV home. I got it and hope you do too.

Starting at the bottom, the left leg is healing very nicely. The incession at mid calf is sore. This area appears to be the deepest cut and has the largest amount of scabing. The incession at mid thigh is sore. Actually an area more toward the back of the leg is what is sore. This bothers me when I sit or lie down which means most of the time. All of the leg incession looks fine and is still free of any appearance of infection.

The chest is looking good with no more ozzing from any of the openings. When I let the pain level rise to high, I suffer pain in my neck and chest with some stomach discomort. Any antacid will do. I am able to move better in bed and lay more on my chest without any discomfort. Makes sleeping better.

Last is the left arm. Its doing so well. I still sleep with the corporal tunnel syndrome wrist protection which I still wear to sleep in. I have nearly full motion of the fingers, thumb and wrist. The restriction I have is due to a pain level I wish not to have.

The right arm is still the same as it was in week one. Hopefully it will get better.

Not much else to say. I am still on the pills and inhaler. The water pills dont make me go to the bathrroom as much as you would think. My legs is maybe a bit better and my lungs feel alot better. I have an appointment friday week in Dallas to re-check it all out. I want to be as fluid free as I can when it comes to my lungs. I walk as much as possible to help my lungs and leg swelling. It all just takes time.

I have been showering every other day as it takes alot of energy for me. I am going to try a daily shower again and see how this works out. other than all that, we both are doing fine. Shirley dumped the tanks today. We still have the water leak from the cold teens on week one. Shirley's brother fixed one of the leaks but couldn't get to the other. Since it is just a drip, it will
wait till I'm much better or have it fixed if I'm unable.

Shirley is concerned about our portable air pump and airing up our tires. The pump is in a side compartment and is probably a 40-50 pound lift. It has to be removed and then moved twice to air the tires and then put back. Not an easy task for her.

I said it when I got here and I stll say it, Its so nice to be home!

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