Monday, May 01, 2006


The Park in Lovington, NM Walking Trail, Part 4

This is the final pictures of the track and the exercise stations along the way.
This is the overhead bars which is two levels for tall and short persons. I can't do these bars and couldn't when I was in basic training in the Army. I have bursitis in both shoulders and this prevents me from using my arms over my shoulders with any weight. The Army didn't care, I was Viet Nam bound any way and a warm body was a warm body. I ended up with an artillery firing battery for 8 months. Lost some hearing over there which I will never find.

Tomorrow I will post pictures of the large childerns playground and the equipment they have. As I have stated, this is a very nice park.

Hey guys, loooks like you are doin good...glad to see it!

I love seeing the pictures...

You know I have been following you guys for a year now...sure hope I get to meet you in person sometinme soon!
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