Monday, June 12, 2006


NM96 West from Abiquiu Lake

Our drive out NM96 took us by this ranger station. We left our place with cedar and short pines to this area with the tall pine trees you would expect to see. From the photo it may not look like but there are tall pines here. Notice the fire danger.

We passed this abandoned adobe home along the highway. The roof had fell in and part of one wall and collapsed. The roof was supported by pine logs. We dont know if the people who lived in it now live in the mobile home in the background. What we do see lots of in NM is mobile homes and junk cars. Lots of junk cars.

A general photo of the hill side. This photo goes with the one below . See if you can find the standing rock in the above photo.

DW liked the rock so I stopped and took this pic. We have seen lots more that we did not photgraph. Some where just to far away or to difficult to get a pic of. Not everything is photo able.

Blogger is slow today. When or if its working, we will upload the pics we took on this day trip.
Tomorrow we are going to Espanola to buy two new tires for the car, get the oil changed, have lunch out and sight see the town. Since its about 30 miles, we will pick up what ever we need on the grocery list before coming home.

We will go to the VA hospital wednesday to have the DR look at my leg. I have an incession that has gotten infected and needs further attention. We went to the clinic in Santa Fe and have finished a 10 day round of antibiotics that have had no effect. We want to get this taken care of before we get further from ABQ. We are already about 118 miles away now. We will do this after the car is taken care of and before we go to Taos. Hence there will be no update wednesdy.

Later this week, its to Taos and that area for sure. I was a little boy when my grandparents took me there. Will see the sights and maybe by a souvenir. Right now root for blogger to work. They must have finised their what ever as it is now working.

Sure hope you get a good report at the Dr.

Your pictures, and your comments re: the landscape and the old, junk cars and mobile homes...

Reminds me of about 6 years ago when we took my mom to Arkansas along with our granddaughter Kaley (the one who lives in Astoria, OR now). Mom was 78,and Kaley was 5...what a trip...but what struck me about the landscape in the painted dessert area and close to the Grand Canyon was that there would be a mobile home way out in the middle of what we could see of the horizon. Not another thing in sight except a very few cactus plants. No electric, or phone wires in sight...just them and the scorpions...I guess...I wondered what they did for Water, etc.

As you said we saw lots of old, junk cars too...

Sometimes we saw a Native American "Round House".

Wonderful scenery!

Thanks for shareing

Oh, did you see the pics of the coach on our blog?

Charlie & Mike
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