Saturday, September 23, 2006



And the new microwave/convection oven. Its the same as what we had just new. That way there was no modification of the supports etc. This one has a readable display which we sorely needed on the other but did not have. Now we can use all the features.

Hopefully, this one will do popcorn which the other coudn't.

Nothing new about the table and chairs. With our moving tomorrow toward Ancira, that is on hold. After the rv work is finished and my Dr appointment is taken care of, we can finally do other things. Our list is really complete. The new list has thing we can do later as time and location permits.

And Charlyn, I did the dishes this morning. DW went to meet her sister and have a girls day out. While she was gone, I got two light fixtures changed and a bulb in a third. Blew the fuse, 12v, for the shower, changed that. The rain changed my washing of the rv roof. So we will go to Ancira with it dirty and tree leaves and such.

This is probably the last post till next Wednesday or when the rv repairs are finished. We will be coming back to the COE campground for another 11 days. Then its south. I will re schedule our 1000 trails thing till the following week. The 4th-6th is not good for us. Maybe in all this we can figure out what to do with the booth dinnette.

We will catchup with the comments and email next week.

Hey...the new microwave looks really perfectly...Have you guys done much convection cooking??? I am in the beginning stages of learning...In our home in Lincoln, CA we had one like we have now a micro/convection oven but I had a regular double oven and warmer so I never got into the convection cooking...but I am enjoying learning...if you have used it ...let me know if there are any tricks that I should know!!!
No tricks. our panel was unreadable till we got the new one. What a surprise! And we dont use our gas oven except as a storage drawer.
Happy cooking!

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