Sunday, November 05, 2006



This is the "Angel of Goliad" that is respondsible for saving many of Col. Fannin's men from sure death later. Not alot is said of her but she deserves as much headlines as the men of the Goliad battle. Read about her so you will learn about her courage.

This bronze statue is near the Fannin burial marker which you can see in the background. So far the statue does not have any written marker as of yet. She deserves the same history reference as the men of Fannin's army that died.

This is the "Mission Espiritu Santo" which is behind the registration building on the park grounds. It is worth a visit on the outside as well as the inside. Simply beautiful! It has a long history and was abandoned for about a 100 years, roof and some walls fell in. The CCC put it all back together in the 30's.

There are many pics in the link reference of the outside and outside and grounds of the building. This was a fort in its day and was there to protect the local citizens.

This pic is of the grave of Col Fannin and his men that were captured and held a week. Their fate was ordered by Gen Santa Anna and on a sunday the were shot and most were killed. Many were able to run and escape. Many more were saved by the "Angel of Goliad".

Texas has a very interesting history. It is the only state that was a republic prior to becoming apart of the United States. Among its better known fighters of that time is a man by the name of Davy Crockett.

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