Thursday, November 16, 2006



We went to Alice, TX Wal-mart to get food, etc. While there we went downtown to the city hall and got these pics of this water tower. There is something about this tower tthat sets it apart from the others. Any guesses?

The base is approx 55 feet square, the vertical panels are space equally at approx 33 foot. The slope on the legs appears to be 1" in 12". The tower is 165 foot tall. There is horzontial bracing in the panels but notice there is no bracing on the legs. Normally there is "x" or "k" bracing on the legs to transfer the wind loads to the base. The fill and drain pipe is a single pipe of small diameter. There could be a pipe in a pipe here , but the pipe is rather small. Still an interesting structure.

The top of the tower has the logo of the high school mascot. For Alice it is the Coyotes. Mine was the parrots but that is another story. The tower is well kept up as you can see. There is no lack of paint or other markings indicating need of repair or maintance.

EDIT: I just took a close look and saw the pipe handrail missing, missing floor pieces and more if I kept looking. But still interesting.

I would hate to be the poor soul having to paint this. Hanging from the top is one thing, painting the bottom, underside is a whole different matter.

I guess you could put scaffolding from the ground up. I would think its to tall for a manlift, or "JLG" basket.

Anyway, This is the sight to see here. The golf course is nestled in among the low mesquite trees. And there are alot of trees as we drove by.
Any guess yet!

The weather has not been good for golf or the nearest course was unknown to us. There are two here in town.

We are planning on going to the King Ranch this saturday for their annual open house. If you are in the area, stop by and have a ranch hand breakfast. We are hoping to move to Riveria monday to the SeaWind RV park on the bay. I'm going to have to call them since they have not answered my email of two days ago. I will post what we see and do there when we get a chance

Temp: 42 for the low, 68 now, 72 for the forecast high, sunny with better days ahead.

no guess meant no interest I assume. the answer is its concrete.
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